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“Mental well-being extends beyond the mere absence of mental illness; to truly thrive, you must also have awareness and the skill of thought management."

Marie McInnes

Mindset & Transformation Coach

Unleash Your Potential

There’s greatness inside of you waiting to get out

What is it you want to have, be or do?

Do you have dream that has been waiting patiently for your attention? Stop pushing it aside and start creating a life that fulfills and inspires you!

Together, we'll explore the power of your thoughts and how they shape your life. You will gain insights and tools to break free from unhelpful thought patterns. Shift your focus from past limitations to future opportunities. Redirect mental energy towards a positive tomorrow. In a safe, supportive coaching space, discover yourself, challenge beliefs, and nurture a growth mindset. Gain the confidence to express yourself authentically.

​​Are you ready to break free, cultivate positivity, and create your dream life?

Empower, Create, Transform

Visit the Coaching page to learn about Causal Coaching and how it can change everything! 

Eliminate symptoms by treating the cause of your problems

Develop awareness and get to know what you truly want

​Stop giving away your personal power and take full responsibility for how you feel

​Open up your life and make space for whatever you choose to create 

Discard old limiting beliefs that are not serving you

​Learn the tools you can use to coach yourself anytime and anywhere   

Insights & Inspiration

Dive into Expert Advice, Tips, and Stories to Guide Your Journey

Sunday, September 01, 2024

Think the reason you're stuck is because the task ahead is hard, you are pressed for time, or you don’t know where to start? Think again. It’s all about a thought that’s been quietly holding you back.

Sunday, August 04, 2024

Procrastination hinders our ability to tackle tasks head-on. Let's delve deeper into how we can uncover what is behind this habit that holds us back.

Sunday, February 04, 2024

Progress is progress and it doesn't need to be perfect. Take a pause to focus, get your bearings then embrace the beautiful messiness. You may drop a ball or two. So what?

Do You Want to Design Your Life on Purpose?

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At Marie McInnes Coaching, I’m all about helping you unlock your full potential. You’ll learn practical tools to tune into your thoughts, notice the emotions they stir up, and see how that thinking-feeling connection shapes your actions—and the results you’re getting. Once you crack that code, the possibilities are endless!

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